practice areas

Our Firms Practice are include the following


With the roll-out of court annexed  mediation by the  Kenyan judiciary and the fact that nearly all the

Civil & Criminal Litigation

If litigation is ultimately unavoidable, our approach is to try resolve disputes in the most cost effective way 

Immigration  Law

We offer organizations that are seeking investment opportunities and those that are in search of talle


We have been at the forefront of employment in Law Kenya. we offer breadth and depth knowledge and experie


We have vast and varied experience in these fields. Including  asset finance, banking securities, Finance comm

Real Estate & construction

We give advice on various aspects of real estate transactions including sales, leases, purchases, charges ten

Public Procurement

Our Lawyers, in several occasion has offered legal advice and representataion in   government procureme

Intellectual property

With numerous international brands setting foot East African market. It is necessary to register them and also

If you have any legal problem in your life

We are available